Javier Coy Biennial Research Awards

Jul 2, 2024

Aim of the Prize

SAAS wishes to recognize the research achievements of its members through the Javier Coy Biennial Research Awards. The goal of these awards is to promote high-quality scholarship in the field of American Studies, and to celebrate the originality and excellence of research carried out within SAAS. All SAAS members are eligible to submit work in the following categories:

  • Best Monograph: This award is open to original volumes (joint authorship is also possible) published in 2023 or 2024. A monograph is here understood as a single volume on a specific subject, containing original research material. Literary translations, as well as editions, are excluded. The endowment of this award is 700 Euros.
  • Best Edited Volume: This award seeks to recognize outstanding edited collections of articles published in 2023 or 2024 in book form. The endowment of this award is 500 Euros.
  • Best Journal Article: This award is intended to honor original research articles published in 2023 or 2024 in a specialized research journal of international scope and high impact rate. The endowment of this award is 300 Euros.
  • Best REN Article: This award is open to original research articles published in the Revista de Estudios Norteamericanos. For this particular type of award, all the articles appearing in REN since the last SAAS conference (a biennial period) will be considered, unless otherwise stated by the authors; therefore, authors do not need to send copies to the committee. The endowment of this award is 200 Euros.

The authors, who necessarily have to be SAAS members at the time of submission, should send three copies of their work—with the exception of the REN award—to the conference organizing committee:

Dra. Míriam Fernández Santiago

Departamenteo de Filologías Inglesa y Alemana

Facultad de Filosofía y Letras

Campus de la Cartuja, Universidad de Granada

Calle del Prof. Claver s/n

18011 Granada, SPAIN

Only one item across all categories can be submitted by each member. Works previously submitted for other awards are excluded. Once the Javier Coy awards are announced, the volumes/articles will be returned to authors.

Following the SAAS board’s agreement, the composition of the jury will not be made public. The jury’s decision, which is unappealable, will be made public during the members’ general assembly at the biennial conference.

The next deadline for submitting works is January 15th 2025, and the awards will be made public at the 16th SAAS conference, to be held at the Universidad de Granada in Spring 2023.

For more information about the Javier Coy Biennial Research Awards, click here.