SAAS-Fulbright Grant

Jul 2, 2024

The Spanish Association for American Studies, S.A.A.S. and The Commission for Cultural, Educational and Scientific Exchange between the United States of America and Spain (Fulbright) offer a grant for postdoctoral study in The United Sates. Its aim is to help scholars to pursue research in the field of American Studies and contribute to the development of these studies in Spain, as well as to explore new ways of connecting Spanish and American research centers and institutions.

The objective of this scholarship is to contribute to the development of studies on the United States and expand the possibilities of quality research in American centers, as well as enhance knowledge and relationships between Spanish and American research centers.


The scholarship award includes a one-time allocation of €6,000 as a partial scholarship to cover travel expenses and subsistence at the destination research center. Fulbright scholarship recipients participate in the only exchange program endorsed by the governments of both countries. They therefore have the support of the binational Commission and the managing organizations in the United States that, free of charge, will provide them with the following services:

  • Management and administration of the scholarship.
  • Support, management and advisory services through IIE, the managing body in the US.
  • Participation in seminars and cultural and scientific activities organized in the name of and by the Fulbright Program, as long as the Program budget allows it.
  • Subscription of a sickness and accident insurance policy for the person receiving the scholarship for USD 100,000.
  • Required official documentation and processing fees for the “Exchange Visitor (J-1)” visa for the person receiving the scholarship and the corresponding relatives accompanying him/her.
  • One year of free membership to SAAS upon return to Spain.
  • The duration of the stay will not be less than three nor more than twelve months.
  • The scholarship is not renewable for a second period.


  • Spanish nationality or from another country of the European Union. Those with US nationality, with automatic right to citizenship (for example, by birth or affiliation) or who reside in the US are not eligible for the scholarship.
  • Have obtained the title of Doctor or Doctor prior to December 31, 2013. Degrees awarded by foreign institutions must be approved before the closing of the application submission period.
  • Possess adequate knowledge of the English language, which will be verified through the personal interview


  • Applicants must fill out and electronically send the application available at along with the corresponding attached documentation. The electronic application form includes:
    • Personal data o Academic data
    • Professional data o Research project, in Spanish (maximum 1,500 words), which must follow the following outline:
      • Objective: description of the research project that will be developed in the USA. USA and the planning of its temporary development in destination.
      • Importance: explanation of the importance of the project itself for the academic, research and professional development of the candidate and its practical application upon return to Spain.
      • Motivation: reasons of the candidate for carrying out the research in the USA
      • Destination institution: Name of the institution from which the invitation letter was received, start and end dates of the stay and the reason for you have selected the host center (maximum 500 words).
  • Documentation attached within the electronic application:
    • Doctorate Degree
    • DNI or passport
    • Recent photograph
    • Curriculum Vitae, maximum 4 pages
    • Letter of invitation to the American center where the research work will be carried out, indicating the start and end dates of the stay.

Each applicant may be required, at any time during the process, to present the originals of the supporting documents that he or she had attached scanned in his or her application.

Incomplete applications or lack of required documentation may result in cancellation of the application.

For more information about the SAAS-Fulbright Grant, click here.