Bachelor of Arts in American Studies, University of East Anglia

Mar 6, 2024

A Bachelor of Arts in American Studies offered by the University of East Anglia offers students the opportunity to explore American culture from literary, cultural, and historical perspectives. The exploration of novels, historical events, key documents, film, comic books, music, photographs, and paintings will allow students to engage with key moments and debates on race, gender, civil liberties, and politics that have shaped the United States. The opportunity of spending your third year abroad in an international context will provide students with the opportunity to form a global vision of American Studies, while a semester in the United States will provide firsthand experience of the phenomena under investigation, allowing for a comprehensive understanding of how America has shaped, and been shaped by the world around us.

Type: BA in American Studies

Where: University of East Anglia, Norwich

Link: find more information about the program here

Institution: University of East Anglia

Dates: ongoing