Buffalo Bill and the Mormons

Buffalo Bill and the Mormons Summary: In this never-before-told history of Buffalo Bill and the Mormons, Brent M. Rogers presents the intersections in the epic histories of William F. “Buffalo Bill” Cody and the Latter-day Saints from 1846 through 1917. In Cody’s...

King Al

King Al How Sharpton Took the Throne Summary: Through the 1980s, the mainstream press portrayed the Reverend Al Sharpton as a buffoon, a fake minister, a hustler, an opportunist, a demagogue, a race traitor, and an anti-Semite. Today, Sharpton occupies a throne that...


Disruption The Global Economic Shocks of the 1970s and the End of the Cold War Summary: In Disruption, Michael De Groot argues that the global economic upheaval of the 1970s was decisive in ending the Cold War. Both the West and the Soviet bloc struggled with the...

Engaging the Evil Empire

Engaging the Evil Empire Washington, Moscow, and the Beginning of the End of the Cold War Summary: In a narrative-redefining approach, Engaging the Evil Empire dramatically alters how we look at the beginning of the end of the Cold War. Tracking key events in...

Tribuna Norteamericana 43

Tribuna Norteamericana 43 Desafíos y oportunidades: hacia una inteligencia artificial ética Summary: The Tribuna Norteamericana journal is a science-based publication that collects articles related to the politics, economy, society and culture of the United States....