by cristina.sanchez | Mar 4, 2024 | Publications, Recents
Food, Consumption, and Masculinity in American Hardboiled Fiction Summary: This publication draws on three related bodies of knowledge: crime fiction criticism, masculinity studies, and the cultural analysis of food and consumption practices from a critical eating...
by cristina.sanchez | Mar 4, 2024 | Publications, Recents
Refusing to be Forgotten: Southern Conservatism and the Political Thought of M. E. Bradford Summary: Considered by many the most talented continuator of the Nashville Agrarians, Melvin E. Bradford occupies a special place in the history of modern Southern...
by cristina.sanchez | Mar 4, 2024 | Publications, Recents
House of Horrors: Familial Intimacies in Contemporary American Horror Fiction Summary: This is a study of tumultuous transformations of kinship and intimate relationships in American horror fiction over the last three decades. Twelve contemporary novels (by ten women...
by cristina.sanchez | Feb 28, 2024 | Publications, Recents
Camino Real, vol. 18 “Queer Corazón: Theorizing Love, Sex, and the Body” Summary: CAMINO REAL. Estudios de las Hispanidades Norteamericanas is a double blind-peer reviewed academic journal published on an annual basis that has an external and anonymous evaluation...
by cristina.sanchez | Feb 28, 2024 | Publications, Recents
España y Norteamérica en el corredor transatlántico: Relaciones internacionales, derechos humanos y cartografías de la representación Summary: En este libro, fruto de la convocatoria de artículos escritos a partir de las ponencias presentadas en el “Séptimo Congreso...
by cristina.sanchez | Feb 28, 2024 | Publications, Recents
Breve historia de Puerto Rico Summary: Ubicado en las Antillas, en el noreste caribeño, Puerto Rico es un archipiélago compuesto por más de 140 islas, actualmente bajo soberanía estadounidense como Estado Libre Asociado. Una geografía que ha marcado su historia de los...