2025 Annual Meeting of the French Association for American Studies (AFEA) | Doctoral Symposium

May 20, 2025

2025 Annual Meeting of the French Association for American Studies (AFEA) | Doctoral Symposium


May 20, 2025    
Todo el día


Université de Picardie
Chem. du Thil, 80000 , Amiens, France
Map Unavailable

Where: Université de Picardie (Amiens, France)

When: Tuesday, May 20, 2025

Description: The French Association for American Studies invites doctoral students in American studies to take part in the Doctoral Symposium (“Doctoriales”) specifically organized on their behalf during its annual conference. This year’s symposium will be held on Tuesday, May 20, 2025 at Université de Picardie (Amiens, France). The conference will take place on May 20-23.

The AFEA’s (French Association for American Studies) doctoral symposium is open to PhD candidates from all disciplines in North American Studies, regardless of their specific research field. Registration for the doctoral symposium and the AFEA annual meeting is free of charge for doctoral candidates. AFEA membership is required to participate in the annual meeting. The one-day event is organized in two panels, one for social science, one for literature and arts; cross-disciplinary contributions will be included in one or the other panels. This doctoral symposium is not a graduate conference or an AFEA junior conference for PhD candidates, but is rather meant to workshop research experiences, discuss methodological insights, meet senior scholars, and prepare for the upcoming conference.

Research supervisors are encouraged to contact their PhD candidates who could benefit from participating in the symposium, especially as a first-time attendance at the AFEA annual meeting. PhD candidates in the first or second year of their doctoral research are especially encouraged to submit.

Each participant will present their research, discuss their methodology, and share their difficulties. To participate, please submit the following by January 24, 2025:

  • a dissertation abstract (500-600 words)
  • a hands-on process (i.e., functionality of a software, ethical use of AI, personal work method, innovative tip) or a specific challenge to discuss (i.e., methodology, pace, writing issues)
  • a resume (2 pages)

Selected PhD candidates will be invited to send a chapter or an article in progress, written in English, by May 1, 2025, in preparation for group discussions.

The one-day event will be organized as follows:

  • 3-5 minute presentations of each dissertation, illustrated by a single visual (e.g., an image or a poster; no slideshows)
  • a discussion of the chapters and articles in progress
  • a discussion of methodological processes, challenges, and insights
  • interactions with external contributors.

Please email submissions by January 24, 2025, to: Anne Crémieux (an***********@un*********.fr); Michel Feith (Mi**********@un*********.fr); Brigitte Félix (br************@un*********.fr); Guillaume Marche (gm*****@u-***.fr).

The AFEA doctoral symposium is open to all PhD candidates with AFEA or EAAS (European Association for American Studies) membership, as well as PhD candidates from the United States. Additionally, the AFEA covers part of the expenses for doctoral candidates participating in the symposium, provided that their institutions of origin do not offer funding (upon presentation of receipts).

For more information about the annual meeting, please visit the French Association for American Studies website.

Institution: French Association for American Studies (AFEA)