California as the Epicenter of Social Sciences?

Oct 10, 2025

California as the Epicenter of Social Sciences?


October 10, 2025 - October 11, 2025    
Todo el día


California as the Epicenter of Social Sciences?

Where: Campus Condorcet Paris, France (75)

When: October 10th-11th, 2025

Description: This international symposium aims to gather and unify the various strands of social science research—including American studies, sociology, social anthropology, history, political science, and geography—whose methodologies (archival work, oral history, ethnography, participant observation, semi-structured interviews, etc.) allow for an intersectional examination of territorial, social, and racial inequalities and policies. It will offer a forum for field insights into the challenges and difficulties faced by France-based scholars in applying these methodologies to distant research fields.

Organizing committee: Thibaut Clément (HDEA, Sorbonne Université & IUF), Elodie Edwards-Grossi (IRISSO, U. Paris Dauphine-PSL & IUF), and Olivier Richomme (Triangle, U. Lyon 2)

For more information click here.