Real and Imagined Spaces in Film
Where: Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain
When: May 29th-30th, 2025
Description: Following Shiel, this conference aims to explore film space as more than simply a function of narrative. In that sense, we aim to expand discussions of cinematic space to the interface with social spaces and real places rather than in the isolation of the text. As Rhodes and Gorfinkel have argued, approaches to film space must take into account the cinema’s “seemingly natural ability” to record place (2011, viii, ix). In other words, film space ought to be studied through its bearing on the social world and in its relation to “real places” rather than exclusively through the lens of narrative and stylistic construction. Thus conceptualized, the cinema becomes a record of the history of places and the repository of some of the most powerful and lasting cultural discourses about those places.
Institution: Universidad de Zaragoza
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