Bruce Centre Research Grants

Mar 8, 2024

The Bruce Centre offers, subject to financial discretion, grants up to the amount of £3,000 (bids exceeding this amount will be considered in special circumstances) to support defined research projects in topics relating to the Americas.


The money can be used for replacement teaching costs to enable writing up the results of research, research assistance, PhD studentships, costs of meetings or workshops to enable the advancement of research, visits by or to partner scholars, the purchase of research materials, and similar expenses to support the direct costs of research. Not eligible are costs for the organisation of colloquia, research travel, and conference attendance, for which there are separate funding schemes. Applicants are expected to submit bids for outside funding (British Academy, AHRC, Leverhulme Trust etc.) in conjunction with the Bruce Centre bid. DBC grants may then be awarded if the bids are unsuccessful.


Applicants may seek support for any combination of eligible activity and cost. They may bid for funding for research taking place over a maximum period of 24 months. All applications should demonstrate that the funds are sought for a clearly defined, discrete piece of research, which will have an identifiable outcome on completion of the funded component of the research. A report must be made to the DBC at the completion of the project.

Current edition

There are no specified deadlines or forms for these grants. Applicants are required to submit copies of their bids for outside funding and a letter specifying what components of the research project would be funded with Bruce Centre funds if the bids were unsuccessful.

Find more information about the program here.