Marilyn B. Young Research Grant

Jan 17, 2024

The Marilyn B. Young Research Grant, offered by the Roosevelt Institute for American Studies, aims to support research on the history of US foreign policy and especially its overlap with social and civil rights history.


The grant is offered to scholars who are interested in using the RIAS holdings and collections to further their research. The travel grant honors the memory of the late Marilyn Young, who was a leading historian of American foreign relations and professor of history at New York University. She was also a long-time RIAS friend and supporter, and her work has inspired generations of scholars both in Europe and in the United States.

The maximum grant available is €600 and the financial support is meant to cover travel expenses and accommodation in Middelburg. The minimum period of research to be spent at the RIAS is one week and applications should be submitted every year before 25 April, Marilyn Young’s birthday.

Selection process

The Marilyn B. Young travel grant recipient will be selected on the basis of the applicant’s scholarly qualifications, the scholarly significance of the project, and its consistency with professor Young’s intellectual interests.

Applications including the completed form, a description of the research project (1-3 pages), and a CV should be submitted to

Current edition: OPEN: Until April 25th.

Previous editions
  • 2023: Katharina Weygold (Brown University), “African American Women and Haiti during the U.S Occupation, 1915 — 1934”.
  • 2021: Jacopo Perazzoli (University of Bergamo), “Wilson and Wilsonianism in the 20th Century: Influences and Receptions in the Euro-Atlantic”.
  • 2020: Hannah Walton (University of Geneva), “Women’s Diplomacy and Inter-American Relations: Eleanor Roosevelt and Latin America, 1933-1962”.
  • 2019: ​Dr. Michelle Carmody (University of Melbourne), “Amnesty International and the Challenge of Human Rights in US Foreign Policy”.
  • 2018: Professor Simon Hall (University of Leeds), “Fidel, Harlem, and the Making of the 1960s.”