RAI Research Grants

Mar 4, 2024

Thanks to the generosity of benefactors, the Rothermere American Institute awards at least five research grants each year for primary research on the history, politics, literature or culture of the United States.


The research project to be supported must relate to the history, politics, literature or culture of the United States. Preference will be given to applicants who can demonstrate that their proposed travel or research activity will have a direct impact on the progress of their thesis or project. The Committee is willing to consider applications in support of conference attendance, insofar as it would benefit or disseminate primary research by the applicant.

Selection process

In view of the climate crisis, the RAI is committed to promoting low-carbon research practices, and has therefore reframed travel grants as research grants. We are now willing to consider requests for financial support in relation to research costs other than travel. Such applications might, for instance, seek assistance in paying for the digitisation of documents, a research assistant, or transcription services in order to remove the need for international travel. We recommend reviewing the University’s guidelines on sustainability practices in relation to international travel: International travel | Sustainability (ox.ac.uk)

The following categories of person are eligible to apply for a research grant:

Applications are reviewed by the RAI Academic Committee every term.

Applications may only be made for travel or other research activity to be undertaken after the Committee meeting at which they will be considered. Retrospective applications are not accepted.

Applicants may only be awarded one research grant per academic year. Unsuccessful applicants may reapply each term. Successful applicants are awarded £500.

Research activity and reporting must be completed within one calendar year of the date the grant was awarded.

Current edition: applications consist of a completedresearch grant application form. Completed forms should be sent to enquiries@rai.ox.ac.ukby midday on Monday of Week 3 of each term.