Recent Publications
Revista de Estudios Norteamericanos vo. 28 (2024)
Revista de Estudios Norteamericanos Vol. 28 (2024) Special section: Darkness in the American Audiovisual imagination The European Journal of American Culture (EJAC) is an academic, refereed journal for scholars, academics and students from many disciplines with a...
European Journal of American Culture (vol. 43.2, 2024)
European Journal of American Culture (vol. 43.2, 2024), Special issue "Recent Reflections on the Posthuman Condition in American Literature and Culture" The European Journal of American Culture (EJAC) is an academic, refereed journal for scholars, academics and...
Fall 2024 issue of American Art (vol. 38, no. 3)
American Art Fall 2024 issue of American Art (vol. 38, no. 3) Since its founding in 1987, American Art has been an indispensable source for scholars, educators, curators, museum-goers, collectors, and professors and students at colleges and universities worldwide. The...
Veteranos en EE.UU.: Legislación e integración en la década de 1940
Veteranos en EE.UU.: Legislación e integración en la década de 1940 Summary: Este libro presenta material inédito que ha permitido analizar las principales medidas legislativas aprobadas en el Congreso de los Estados Unidos para favorecer la integración de los...
El gobierno dividido de los Estados Unidos en tiempos de polarización política
El gobierno dividido de los Estados Unidos en tiempos de polarización política Summary: Esta obra pretende acercar la figura del gobierno dividido o “divided government” en Estados Unidos a los lectores ya que resulta escasamente conocida en Europa a pesar de hallar...
The United States Governed by Six Hundred Thousand Despots
The United States Governed by Six Hundred Thousand Despots A True Story of Slavery; A Rediscovered Narrative, with a Full Biography Summary: For one hundred and sixty-nine years, a first-person slave narrative written by John Swanson Jacobs—brother of Harriet...
Buffalo Bill and the Mormons
Buffalo Bill and the Mormons Summary: In this never-before-told history of Buffalo Bill and the Mormons, Brent M. Rogers presents the intersections in the epic histories of William F. “Buffalo Bill” Cody and the Latter-day Saints from 1846 through 1917. In Cody’s...
King Al
King Al How Sharpton Took the Throne Summary: Through the 1980s, the mainstream press portrayed the Reverend Al Sharpton as a buffoon, a fake minister, a hustler, an opportunist, a demagogue, a race traitor, and an anti-Semite. Today, Sharpton occupies a throne that...
Disruption The Global Economic Shocks of the 1970s and the End of the Cold War Summary: In Disruption, Michael De Groot argues that the global economic upheaval of the 1970s was decisive in ending the Cold War. Both the West and the Soviet bloc struggled with the...
Engaging the Evil Empire
Engaging the Evil Empire Washington, Moscow, and the Beginning of the End of the Cold War Summary: In a narrative-redefining approach, Engaging the Evil Empire dramatically alters how we look at the beginning of the end of the Cold War. Tracking key events in...
La descolonización de la sexualidad en tres autores chicanos
La descolonización de la sexualidad en tres autores chicanos Summary: La descolonización de la sexualidad en tres autores chicanos conecta diferentes campos de estudio interdisciplinarios como los estudios fronterizos, los estudios chicanos y los estudios de género y...
Tribuna Norteamericana 43
Tribuna Norteamericana 43 Desafíos y oportunidades: hacia una inteligencia artificial ética Summary: The Tribuna Norteamericana journal is a science-based publication that collects articles related to the politics, economy, society and culture of the United States....
North American Studies Journal, vol. 28
North American Studies Journal, vol. 28 Summary: Revista de Estudios Norteamericanos is an international scholarly peer-reviewed English-language journal which publishes papers and reviews on diverse aspects of U.S. Studies, mainly literary, cultural, historical,...
Culture Wars and Horror Movies: Social Fears and Ideology in post-2010 Horror Cinema
Culture Wars and Horror Movies: Social Fears and Ideology in post-2010 Horror Cinema Summary: In this volume, contributors explore the deep ideological polarization in US society as portrayed in horror narratives and tropes. By navigating this polarized society in...
The Spanish and Latin American Legacy in North American Poetry and Art
The Spanish and Latin American Legacy in North American Poetry and Art Summary: This book challenges narratives of one-directional cultural flows from Europe to the Americas. The essays’ varied topics and methods map a richly innovative Spanish-American imaginary...
Sufrimiento cultural. Literatura e historia de los mexicanos en Estados Unidos
Sufrimiento cultural. Literatura e historia de los mexicanos en Estados Unidos Summary: "A partir de la categoría de sufrimiento cultural, se despliega un análisis de gran calado, mediante un amplio ejercicio de circunvoluciones, matices y claroscuros, que viene a...
Del Mediterráneo al Hudson. Artistas españoles en Nueva York, pioneros en Norteamérica
Del Mediterráneo al Hudson. Artistas españoles en Nueva York, pioneros en Norteamérica Summary: Miles de españoles abandonaron sus hogares y buscaron fortuna allende los mares. La mayoría eligieron los territorios de las antiguas colonias, pero también hubo quienes...
Unhappy Beginnings: Narratives of Precarity, Failure, and Resistance in North American Texts
Unhappy Beginnings: Narratives of Precarity, Failure, and Resistance in North American Texts Summary: This book offers the analysis of a selection of North American texts that dismantle and resist normative frames through the resignification of concepts such as...
North American Studies Journal, vol. 27
North American Studies Journal, vol. 27 Summary: Revista de Estudios Norteamericanos is an international scholarly peer-reviewed English-language journal which publishes papers and reviews on diverse aspects of U.S. Studies, mainly literary, cultural, historical,...
Crónicas y testimonios hispanos en los actuales Estados Unidos (siglos XVI y XVII)
Edited by Francisco Castillo Urbano, this Spanish language anthology offers a deeper understanding of Spain from the perspective of the United States through its gathering together of the chronicles and testaments of Spanish explorers in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries…
Somehow Different. España vista desde Estados Unidos
Edited by scholar Lorenzo Delgado Gómez-Escalonilla, this Spanish language anthology draws on the fields of history, politics and sociology to examine diverse views of Spain as seen from the perspective of the United States…
Beyond the Nation State? Borders, Boundaries, and the Future of Democratic Pluralism
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Food, Consumption, and Masculinity in American Hardboiled Fiction
This publication draws on three related bodies of knowledge: crime fiction criticism, masculinity studies, and the cultural analysis of food and consumption practices from a critical eating studies perspective. In particular, this book focuses on food as an analytical category in the study of tough masculinity as represented in American hardboiled fiction. Through an examination of six American novels, this book comments on the gradual process of redefining consumption and consumerism in America, which traditionally has been coded as feminine. Usiekniewicz shows that food and eating also reflect power relations and larger social and economic structures connected to class, gender, geography, sexuality, and ability, to name just a few.
Refusing to be Forgotten: Southern Conservatism and the Political Thought of M. E. Bradford
Considered by many the most talented continuator of the Nashville Agrarians, Melvin E. Bradford occupies a special place in the history of modern Southern conservatism. He challenged established views of the founding, nature, and political tradition of the American Union and, most controversially, the “myth” of Abraham Lincoln. His writings provided vitality and intellectual weight to the Southern conservative tradition. Bradford’s scholarship can significantly contribute to a more multifaceted and nuanced understanding of American history, tradition, and identity. This book is the first comprehensive analysis of Bradford’s political thought.
House of Horrors: Familial Intimacies in Contemporary American Horror Fiction
This is a study of tumultuous transformations of kinship and intimate relationships in American horror fiction over the last three decades. Twelve contemporary novels (by ten women writers and two whose work has been identified as women’s fiction) are grouped into four main thematic clusters – haunted houses; monsters; vampires; and hauntings – but it is social scripts and concerns linked directly to intimacy and family life that structure the entire volume. By drawing attention to how the most intimate of all social relationships – the family – supports and replicates social hierarchies, exclusions, and struggles for dominance, the book problematises the source of horror.
Camino Real, vol. 18 “Queer Corazón: Theorizing Love, Sex, and the Body”
CAMINO REAL. Estudios de las Hispanidades Norteamericanas is a double blind-peer reviewed academic journal published on an annual basis that has an external and anonymous evaluation board. It is an interdisciplinary benchmark…
España y Norteamérica en el corredor transatlántico: Relaciones internacionales, derechos humanos y cartografías de la representación
En este libro, fruto de la convocatoria de artículos escritos a partir de las ponencias presentadas en el “Séptimo Congreso sobre vínculos históricos entre España y los Estados Unidos”, se abordan, desde diferentes…
Breve historia de Puerto Rico
Ubicado en las Antillas, en el noreste caribeño, Puerto Rico es un archipiélago compuesto por más de 140 islas, actualmente bajo soberanía estadounidense como Estado Libre Asociado. Una geografía que ha marcado su historia de los últimos cinco siglos, destacándose por su…
Biblia Americana: America’s First Bible Commentary. A Synoptic Commentary on the Old and New Testaments. Volume 10: Hebrews – Revelation
Jan 17, 2024
Edited by Jan Stieverman, this English-language publication brings together Cotton Mather’s commentary on Hebrews-Revelation with several…
Los cómics de superhéroes en los movimientos sociales. Transformaciones de la identidad estadounidense
En la segunda mitad del siglo XX, la identidad estadounidense, asentada en un imaginario que remitía en su origen al arquetipo de los padres fundadores y encumbraba los valores del hombre blanco de…